Northwinds Forestry

Northwinds Forestry Services
At Northwinds Forestry, we take care to provide the best quality service to landowners in northern and central Minnesota who place value on timeliness, high ethical standards and long-term sustainable management. 
Forest Stewardship Plans
Plans begin with an owner’s thoughts and objectives and are followed by a through property examination. Basic features in all plans include aerial photos, soil maps, forest conditions and health, a concise forest inventory along with a survey of wildlife habitat and potential enhancements. Plans will focus on issues that are most important to the landowner.

Timber Sales and Inventory 
Independent timber management that offers the best value to the landowner – both in financial terms and in forest and resource conservation. All options will be explored with the landowner so that they can make the best choice on how to achieve ownership objectives. Services include timber cruises and marking, contracts with owner and operator, site surveillance, revegetation of roads, trails and landings. Stand inventories will be conducted for owners wishing to learn the value of their timber holdings.  

Improve Wildlife Habitat, Recreational Opportunities and Aesthetics
These are addressed in every management plan as well as in the design of timber sales. Recommended management practices might include plantings, releasing desirable species of trees and wildlife shrubs, trail design, forest management for designated species, restoring wetlands for waterfowl and many more. 

Appraisal of Assets and Values for Purchasers
Appraisals are based on the interests of a potential property buyer. They can include a timber cruise to determine volumes and value or a less intensive look at stands and conditions. Wildlife habitat for individual species as well as general habitat conditions and potential for improvements will be evaluated.

Identify Appropriate Incentive Programs
In addition to the two property tax relief programs, there are a number of cost-share programs available to qualifying landowners. Those programs best suited to the owner’s goals and property conditions will be recommended, with contacts provided to additional sources of technical and financial assistance. For a sampling of what is available check Programs for Landowners under Resource Lynx.  

Tax Assistance
Assistance with enrollments in either of the two property tax relief programs is offered at no charge to Stewardship landowners. For technical tax questions all Stewardship landowners have access to a CPA specializing in forest tax law – also at no cost.

Planting Recommendations
Soils and site conditions will be matched with appropriate species to meet landowner goals. Emphasis can be on future financial return, wildlife habitat, aesthetics or a combination of all three. Trees, wildlife shrubs or native grasses and forbs are all candidates for planting plans.

"Grown men can learn from the very little children for the hearts of the little children are pure.  Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss." - Black Elk