The following is a number of publications designed for both the landowner and forestry professional you might consider adding to your resource management library
Northwinds Forestry Reference Material
Most are available new and used at
and some office reprints are available
1. “Fruit, Berry and Nut Inventory” Seed Savers Exchange Inc., edited by Kent Whealy, 2009. Inventory of nursery catalogs of all fruit, berry, nut and edible tropical varieties available by mail order in the US. Descriptions, sources, hardiness. Updated annually.
2. “Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing Woodlands” Thom J. McEvoy, 1998. Acquiring forest land, forest management contracts, forest taxation, estate planning, survey and boundaries.
3. “Shrubs and Vines for Northeastern Wildlife” USDA Forest Service, 1974. Out of print but office copy is available for reprints. One of the best books on the subject.
4. “The Sibley Guide to Birds” David Allen Sibley, 2000. A little larger than other bird guides but beautifully illustrated and has accompanying range maps.
5. “Managing Northern Forests for Wildlife” Gordon W. Gullion, 1984. Focus on creating optimum ruffed grouse habitat, especially through aspen management.
6. “Ecology and Management of White-tailed Deer in Michigan” Ozoga, etal., Michigan DNR, Report # 3209. Excellent and concise – behavior, needs, management practices, habitat, harvest strategies. Printed in conjunction with Safari Club International. Office reprints available.
9. “Mother Nature’s Michigan” Oscar Warbach, available from Michigan DNR, 1990. Lighthearted, illustrated approach to conservation and environmental education. For kids and adults. The best.
8. “Secrets of Plant Propagation” Lewis Hill, 1985. Starting shrubs, trees, fruits, berries, flowers, vegetables, and houseplants. Well illustrated.
7. “Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide” Lawerence Newcomb, 1977. Ingenious system for identifying wildflowers, flowering shrubs and vines. Accompanying line drawings.
10. “Managing Your Land for Wild Turkeys” Eric Lobner, Wisconsin DNR, 1998. Habitat requirements and land management, well illustrated.
11. “Restoring Canada’s Native Prairies” Morgan, Colicutt, and Thompson, 1995. A practical manual for prairie restoration.
14. "Feed the Soil” Edwin McLeod, 1982. Classic work on building productive soils. Presented in an entertaining and unusual format.
16. “The Book of Swamp and Bog”, “The Book of Forest and Thicket” and “The Book of Field and Roadside” John Eastman, 1995, 1992, 2003. Lots of fascinating information on plants and their animal associates. Excellent for the outdoor classroom.
15. “Introduction to Forest Ecology and Silviculture” Thom J. McEvoy, NRAES Cooperative Extension # 126. Excellent forest management primer for woodland owners.
13. “North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual” Koelling and Heiligmann, 2nd ed. 2007. Thorough but readable handbook for the production of all maple syrup products.
12. "Common Sense Pest Control” Olkowski and Olkowski, 1991. Alternatives to pesticides, proper use of pesticides, excellent practical guide, insects to moles.
24. “Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota” Welby R. Smith, 2008. Excellent photographs and detailed information along with North American and Minnesota county distribution maps.
23. “Managing Michigan’s Wildlife: A Landowner’s Guide” Michigan DNR, 1999. A new “how to” manual for enhancing wildlife habitat on private lands. Very useful.
22. “Shrubs of Ontario” James Soper and Margaret Heimburger, 1994. Identification, field descriptions, habitat. Illustrated with line drawings.
21. “Seeds of Woody Plants in North America” James Young and Cheryl Young, 1992. Collection, harvesting, cleaning, storage and sowing of seed. Well illustrated. Based on the classic USDA “Agriculture Handbook 450”.
20. “Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines for Urban and Rural America” Gary Hightshoe, 1988. Habitat, life history, use. Very thorough.
19. “Growing and Propagating Wildflowers” Harry Phillips, 1985. Fundamentals of gardening with native plants, plus propagation information.
“Mammals of the Great Lakes Region” Allen Kurta, 1998. Photographs, range maps and excellent up-to –date information.
17. “Managing Michigan’s Ponds for Sport Fishing” Schroeder, Smith, Garling, etal., Michigan Extension Bulletin # E1554, 1994. Construction, species, management, nuisance animals and plants
25. “Landscaping for Wildlife” Carrol L. Henderson, Minnesota DNR, 1987. Covers yards, farmland, woodlands and general principles.
28. “Lakescaping for Wildife and Water Quality” Henderson, Dindorf and Rozumalski. Planting and managing lakeshores for wildlife and water quality.
27. “Wild About Birds” Carrol L. Henderson, Minnesota DNR, 1995. Bird feeding guide.
26. “Woodworking for Wildlife Homes for Birds and Animals” 3rd ed. Carrol L. Henderson, Minnesota DNR, 2009. Nest boxes for birds and mammals and how to place them.
30. “The Holistic Orchard, Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way”, Michael Phillips, 2011. For the commercial orchardist or the backyard grower. From planting the tree to harvest, an excellent read and reference.
29. “The Pruning Book” Lee Reich, 2010. Well illustrated guide for almost every plant that would benefit from pruning. For growers of all levels.
32. “How to Manage Small Prairie Fires” Wayne Pauly, 1985. Booklet on conducting a controlled burn; what, how, when. Should be available from Friends of Dane County Parks.
31. “Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest” Elizabeth J. Czarapata, 2005. Well illustrated guide to identification and control of invasive plants.